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4 yrs

4 yrs

Due to the urgent nature of the times this is an

Evening to Evening


1. Repent of all unrighteousness and seek forgivenes for our sins and the sins of our forefathers.

2. Ask for restoration of the covenant blessings He made with our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so that He may incline His ear to hear our prayers as a nation again.

2. Ask that Yah equip us to be found worthy of His Kingdom to come, making us overcomers in this walk, who will endure to the end.

3. Pray for the wisdom, discernment and obedience to turn away from all wickedness and idolatry.

4. Ask that Yah purge our hearts as a nation into vessels that show forth His glory.

5. Pray He speak to us with clear and absolute confirmations, His specific direction for Israel in these unprecedented evil times.

5. Pray that He lead us to our physical Goshen for our personal protection while spiritual Egypt is getting her just due judgment.

6. Ask the Father that He have compassion and show favor towards His people by Glorifying His Name in the earth even now, by confounding and putting in derision, our every enemy. That He tear down every elite shadow government operating in high places, every worldwide tentacle/armreach of Babylon the Great, and any secret or known organization, nation, or persons working against His perfect order and His Chosen people. Pray Yahuah Tsaboath turn every wicked pit and snare they have fashioned for His people back on their own heads, and on the heads of their children, and their children's children. PSALM of King David 109.

7. Pray that He make within Israel an even GREATER awakening, by removing the spiritual scales from the eyes of our loved ones. That He do in them as He did in us, continually filling in them, and in us, His spirit, and give us each the pure desire to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

8. That He give us peace and unity within Israel.

9. Ask that Yahuah raise up and establishes righteous elders in the gates of Israel. Ask for Elders who are uncompromised. Pray for Elders within the body who will work in unison according to His instructions ALONE, and in love towards the Holy people, who will lead us out of this captivity in these final hours.

10. Pray that Yah eternally keep the hearts of our children and our posterity steadfast in His truth so that they never turn away from it, for their protection from our enemies.

11. Ask for complete mental, physical and spiritual healing and restoration for all the sick in Israel.

12. Complete protection from every worker of iniquity coming against His Chosen people.

Remember....coming together in prayer and fasting works...

Esther 4:16
Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my handmaid's will fast likewise..

Esther 9:25
25 ...when Esther came before the king, he commanded by letters that his (Haman's) wicked device, which he devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.