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Lydia Baker-Singh
Shalawam family. It's the beginning of the work week for some. Today, I would like you to consider this. What group of people or nation, offended their Elohiym that HE returned to HIS place? Well, Yashar'el that will be us. In my reading, the prophet Hosea 5: 15 states, "I will go and return to my place till they acknowledge their offense, and seek MY face: in their affliction, they will seek ME early." Hmm!!!!

So, on this Mindful Monday, I want you to be mindful of 2 things: 1-we serve a merciful, gracious, long-suffering Elohiym, and 2-we are the apple of His eye. So, Yahshuah is returning to seek revenge for what was done to us and, ultimately, allow us to reign with HIM for 1,000 years in HIS Kingdom.

But there is still work to be done daily until that time. So, continue to reflect the light that we should represent, share the WORD in our goings and comings, and be sure to maintain the strong faith as Abraham. Make this Mindful Monday count.

Sis CeeCee