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Atoning, covering yourself in humility, self-reflecting, asking YAH to search your heart & reins. 💛Afflicting your souls. Are you a good seed or bad seed? The wind constantly snaps off branches. The weak falls on ground, the OLD breaks off. The time is changing, Day and Night are almost equal ...soon Night will out weigh the Day in a scale meaning winter is here. The seasonal shifts, a change in time. Renewing of the Spirit, NEW creature, cleansing & purging of YOUR tree. 🌳Your tree will stay rooted, but some branches gotta go! Dont be stubborn, FALL is come and your leaves are changing colors. WINTER your leaves will be gone. Be humiliated and naked before the Most High. This a spiritual cycle we go through..and the enemy attacks when your tree is more naked. However, check this verse out.

1 Chronicles 14:15
[15]And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the 👉🏽tops of the mulberry trees,👈🏽 that then thou shalt go out to battle: for ALUAH is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines.

Hopefully you are getting the picture. YAH will continue to guard your tree and fight your battles... if YOU walk in OBEDIENCE. If you are a GOOD seed, having a beautiful aroma when fruit🍎 is produced. BAD trees that lack YAH get rooted up or cut with an axe. ...even worse put in the fire. 🔥

In conclusion, work on improving yourself in the walk. What things do you lack? What makes you fall? Are you staying away from certain things? Are you considering how others feel? Do you get jealous or envy when someone else seems to have more understanding? Are you looking down on women for having knowledge? Are you hateful towards the gentiles? Have you treated your parents badly? Are you speaking in a mean tone of voice to family? Are you ignoring the Ruach and going against what Wisdom says? Are you only focused on works of the law? Are you being ignorant or hypocritical towards others (pharisee)? Are Are you loving your brother? Are you happy for others?

Is YAH pleased? Take time to reflect. Lighten up on certain things and consider all before making a move. Yet have the Fear of YAH and stand up for the Word. However, lets work on loving each other more. ❤️

Praise YAHUAH, shalom, much love - Yahleah 🌼

P.S. (Another "wordey" paragraph from me) ...chew the cud , think , & process.