10“But you shall pass over the Yardĕn,
and shall dwell in the land which
HWHY your Elohim is giving you to
inherit and He shall give you rest from
all your enemies round about and you
shall dwell in safety.
11“And it shall be, that unto the place
which HWHY your Elohim chooses to
make His Name dwell there, there you
are to bring all that I command you:
your burnt offerings and your offerings
and your tithes and the contributions of
your hand and all your choice offerings
which you vow to HWHY.
12“And you shall rejoice before HWHY
your Elohim, you and your sons and
your daughters and your male servants
and your female servants and the Lĕwite
who is within your gates, since he has no
portion nor inheritance with you.
13“Guard yourself that you do not offer
your burnt offerings in every place that
you see,
14except in the place which HWHY
chooses, in one of your tribes, there you
are to offer your burnt offerings and
there you are to do all that I command