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Shalawam family
Many in our community memorialized the Feast Days in one form or another. We know during Yahushua's 1,000 reign (that is, a day of rest or Sabbath), all nations must present before The King of Kings, or there will be no rain (Zec 14:17) APTTMH! So, if there is any doubt about His return. Heb 4:9 reminds us, "There remaineth, therefore, a rest to the people of Elohiym." v.11 "Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man falls after the same example of unbelief." That unbelief is from our ancestors in the wilderness; hence, they did not see the promised land. So, family, Labour accordingly so we can partake in the Ha' Mashiach's rest.
Sis CeeCee