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Shlwm Family for everyone that is celebrating Feast of Tabernacle tonight have a great time and to everyone else have a great day I love you all

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Shlwm Family I am $40
Off what I need to be able to go Tabernacling with my synagogue tonight if not I won't be able to cause my fiance says no camping in the house or yard so I need to go with my synagogue
All I need is food and to pay my ride gas money so who ever may help out please and thank you so much
My Cash app is @scriptwearShlwm Family I am $40
Off what I need to be able to go Tabernacling with my synagogue tonight if not I won't be able to cause my fiance says no camping in the house or yard so I need to go with my synagogue
All I need is food and to pay my ride gas money so who ever may help out please and thank you so much
My Cash app is @scriptwear




How They Erased the Evidence/ Time for the Nations to Reap - YouTube

How They Erased the Evidence/ Time for the Nations to Reap - YouTube

How They Erased the Evidence/ Time for the Nations to Reap - The term ‘new Christian’ was used for those who were forcibly converted to Christianity. Histori...


“Hear, O Yisra’ĕl: You are passing
over the Yardĕn today, to go into
dispossess nations greater and stronger
than yourself, cities great and walled up
to the heavens,
2a people great and tall, the
descendants of the Anaqim, whom you
know and of whom you heard it said,
‘Who does stand before the
descendants of Anaq?’
3“And you shall know today that
HWHY your Elohim is He who is
passing over before you as a consuming
fire – He does destroy them and
subdue them before you. So you shall
dispossess them and destroy them
quickly, as HWHY has said to you.
4“Do not think in your heart, after
HWHY your Elohim has driven them
out before you, saying, ‘Because of my
righteousness HWHY has brought me in
to possess this land.’ But it is because of
the wrong of these nations that HWHY
is driving them out from before you.
5“It is not because of your
righteousness or the uprightness of
your heart that you go in to possess
their land, but because of the wrong
of these nations that HWHY your
Elohim drives them out from before
you, in order to establish the word
which HWHY swore to your fathers, to
Aḇrahim, to Yitsḥaq and to Ya‛aqoḇ.
6“And you shall know that HWHY
your Elohim is not giving you this
good land to possess because of your
righteousness, for you are a stiff-necked
7“Remember, do not forget how you
provoked to wrath HWHY your Elohim
in the wilderness. From the day that you
came out of the land of Mitsrayim until
you came to this place, you have been
rebellious against HWHY.
8“Even in Ḥorĕḇ you made HWHY
wroth, so that HWHY was enraged with
you, to destroy you.
9“When I went up into the mountain to
receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of
the covenant which HWHY made with
you, then I stayed on the mountain forty
days and forty nights. I did not eat bread
nor did I drink water.
10“Then HWHY gave me the two
tablets of stone written with the finger
of Elohim and on them were all the
Words which HWHY had spoken to
you on the mountain from the midst of
the fire in the day of the assembly.

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Think Thursdays- Mind and spirit care what spirit are you operating in today? Is it YAH’s Holy Spirit or is it a spirit that, do not want to believe that YAH will plead with/judge all flesh?
Much Love Majxsty

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Majxsty’s Musical Journey # 68
Straight and Narrow Way
Much Love Majxsty

How They Erased the Evidence/ Time for the Nations to Reap - YouTube

How They Erased the Evidence/ Time for the Nations to Reap - YouTube

How They Erased the Evidence/ Time for the Nations to Reap - The term ‘new Christian’ was used for those who were forcibly converted to Christianity. Histori...