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Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me (yeah)
I once, I once, I once was lost
But now Im found
Was blind
But now I see

You saved me
You saved me (whoa)
Todah my Abba
You spared me
Todah my Abba
You saved me

Amazing Grace
How sweet your sound
Saving a wretch like me
I once was blind
But now I see
and walk in truth and talk to you
You saved me

Youre amazing
Your amazing

Todah Rabbah
My Abba Yah
MyAbba Yahahuah
Todah Rhabba
From the bottom of my heart yeah

Halleluyah oh HalleluYah
Anay Ahab Athah

Oh Father YOU ARE

Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me (yeah)
I once, I once, I once was lost
But now Im found
Was blind
But now I see

You saved me
You saved me (whoa)
Todah my Abba
You spared me
Todah my Abba
You saved me

Amazing Grace
How sweet your sound
Saving a wretch like me
I once was blind
But now I see
and walk in truth and talk to you
You saved me

Youre amazing
Your amazing

Todah Rabbah
My Abba Yah
MyAbba Yahahuah
Todah Rhabba
From the bottom of my heart yeah

Halleluyah oh HalleluYah
Anay Ahab Athah

Oh Father YOU ARE


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✊🏾 Julie E Gordon Valentine 🔥

“Therefore My people shall know
My Name, In that day,
For I am the One who is speaking.
See, it is I!”
How pleasant upon the mountains are the feet of him
who brings good news, who proclaims peace,
who brings The Besorah, who proclaims deliverance,
who says to Tsiyon, “Your Elohim reigns!
The voice of your watchmen! They shall lift up their voices,
together they shout for joy because eye to eye they see
the return of HWHY to Tsiyon.
Break forth into joy; sing together, you waste places of
Yerushalayim! For HWHY shall comfort His people,
He shall redeem Yerushalayim.
HWHY shall lay His set-apart arm in the eyes
of all the nations. And all the ends of the earth shall see
the deliverance of our Elohim.
Turn aside! Turn aside! Come out from there,
touch not the unclean. Come out of her midst, be clean,
you who bear the vessels of HWHY.
For you shall not come out in haste nor go in flight.
HWHY is going before you and HWHY
the Elohim of Yisra’el is your rear guard.
See, My Servant shall work wisely;
He shall be exalted and lifted up and very high.
As many were astonished at You – so the disfigurement
beyond any man’s and His form beyond the sons of men –
He shall likewise startle many nations.
Sovereigns shall shut their mouths at Him,
for what had not been recounted to them they shall see,
and what they had not heard they shall understand.

Grand Rising Yasharal. Shalom Shalawam. ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH YAHUAH Have a blessed and peaceful day.

"Certain believers feel they can call the Father and His Son by any Name of
their choosing, yet they feel that HWHY should have their name correct in
the Lamb’s Scroll of life. Clearly, there is a double standard toward HWHY’s
Name and that of His Son, Yahusha. Men are not endowed with the
authority to choose whatever Name they prefer to call upon for their
salvation, they must submit to Truth and build on what does not change.
We are told in Isaiah 52:6 that HWHY’s people will “know” His Name.
Revelation 3:8 warns us that we are not to deny His Name. Jeremiah 10:25
reveals to us that HWHY will pour out His wrath on those who do not call
on His Name. It would be an act of rebellion to ignore these clear instructions;
they are not suggestions. Zechariah 13:9 tells us that those who belong
to HWHY will say, “HWHY is the Name of my Elohim.” The traditions of our
fathers have failed us in this regard. We are told in Revelation 2:13 that we are
to hold fast to His Name, but men have not preserved the Truth; it has fallen
in the streets. Why did the Pharisees and Priests tell Yahusha’s followers
not to utter His Name? Because they knew that when Yahusha’s Name was
being uttered that the Father’s Name was being uttered as well because the
Father’s Name is in His Son, Shemoth 23:21. (The BESORAH Page 127)
Let’s examine some of the excuses people use to reject the true Name.
Some declare that HWHY has many Names. No, HWHY has one Name
and many titles, such as Healer, Shepherd, Redeemer, Father, Husband,
Protector, etc. Some claim that no matter what name they use, HWHY will
know who we mean. This excuse boasts of prideful arrogance, implying that
the Creator of Shamayim and Erets will just have to figure it out and deal
with the terms we choose. He’ll have to take what we dish out and like it
Others say that the pronunciation of HWHY’s Name has been lost. Do we
really believe, even for one moment, that HWHY is going to command us to
CALL upon His Name and then allow the pronunciation to be lost? Of course
not! All we must do is “sound-off” the letters; surely we can trust in the most
used word in all of Scripture. Some contend that since there are no vowels in
Hebrew per se, that the proper pronunciation is then questionable. The Dead
Sea Scrolls have revealed many examples of the original letter form which
the Words of Yahuah were written in. Some proclaim that HWHY’s Name
is not found in the Brit Chadasha. But the fact of the matter is that the reason
we don’t see HWHY’s Name in the Brit Chadasha is because it has been
replaced and it became policy to adopt alternative, “popular” terms as
substitutions for it.

Dear Yasharal let us be reminded to always call upon HIS NAME, GLORIFY HIS NAME, as we draw closer to HOME. HALLLALUYAHUAH.

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THE cepher of the revolutions of the luminaries of heaven, according to their respective classes, their respective powers, their respective periods, their respective names, the places where they commence their progress, and their respective months, which Uriy'el, the holy angel who was with me, explained to me; he who conducted them. The whole account of them, according to every year of the world forever, until a new work shall be effected, which will be eternal. This is the first law of the luminaries. The sun and the light arrive at the gates of heaven, which are on the east, and on the west of it at the western gates of heaven. I beheld the gates whence the sun goes forth; and the gates where the sun sets; In which gates also the moon rises and sets; and the conductors of the stars, among those who precede them; six at the rising, and six at the setting of the sun. All these respectively, one after another, are on a level; and numerous windows are on the right and on the left sides of those gates. First proceeds forth that great luminary, which is called the sun; the orb of which is as the orb of heaven, the whole of it being replete with splendid and flaming fire. CHANOK (ENOCH) 72:1-6 את CEPHER

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