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Order temporarily blocks appointed judges in mostly Black city and county in Mississippi

Order temporarily blocks appointed judges in mostly Black city and county in Mississippi - 5 Eyewitness News

Order temporarily blocks appointed judges in mostly Black city and county in Mississippi - 5 Eyewitness News

A federal judge has temporarily blocked the appointment of four state court judges in the majority-Black county that is home to Mississippiโ€™s capital city. The appointments have drawn protests from local residents who say white state officials are st
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THE HIJACKERS OF THE BIBLE . . . ( Historical & Biblical PROOF ! )


SHABBAT SHALOM BELOVED YASHARAL! In the name of the Almighty King YESHUAH HAMASHIACH MAY YOU ALL BE BARUKED. ANAY AHAB ATHAH. MORE MUSIC COMING... ABBA is absolutely pouring into my ruach right now... the attached is just the instrumental, vocals are on the way... OH ABBA TODAH!!!

1He who dwells in the covert of the Most High will lodge in the shadow of the Almighty. ืื™ึนืฉืึตื‘ ื‘ึผึฐืกึตึฃืชึถืจ ืขึถืœึฐื™ึ‘ื•ึนืŸ ื‘ึผึฐืฆึตึฅืœ ืฉืึœึทื“ึผึทึ—ื™ ื™ึดืชึฐืœื•ึนื ึธึฝืŸ:
2I shall say of the Lord [that He is] my shelter and my fortress, my God in Whom I trust. ื‘ืึนืžึทึ—ืจ ืœึ–ึทึฝื™ื”ึนื•ึธื” ืžึทื—ึฐืกึผึดึฃื™ ื•ึผืžึฐืฆึฝื•ึผื“ึธืชึดึ‘ื™ ืึœึฑืœึนื”ึทึ—ื™ ืึถื‘ึฐื˜ึทื—ึพื‘ึผึฝื•ึน:
3For He will save you from the snare that traps from the devastating pestilence. ื’ื›ึผึดึšื™ ื”ึฃื•ึผื ื™ึ–ึทืฆึผึดึฝื™ืœึฐืšึธ ืžึดืคึผึทึฅื— ื™ึธืงึ—ื•ึผืฉื ืžึดื“ึผึถึฅื‘ึถืจ ื”ึทื•ึผึฝื•ึนืช:
4With His wing He will cover you, and under His wings you will take refuge; His truth is an encompassing shield. ื“ื‘ึผึฐืึถื‘ึฐืจึธืชึจื•ึน | ื™ึธึฅืกึถืšึฐ ืœึธึ—ืšึฐ ื•ึฐืชึทึฃื—ึทืช ื›ึผึฐื ึธืคึธึฃื™ื• ืชึผึถื—ึฐืกึผึถึ‘ื” ืฆึดื ึผึธึ–ื” ื•ึฐืกึนึฝื—ึตืจึธึฃื” ืึฒืžึดืชึผึฝื•ึน:
5You will not fear the fright of night, the arrow that flies by day; ื”ืœึนึฝืึพืชึ–ึดื™ืจึธื ืžึดืคึผึทึฃื—ึทื“ ืœึธึ‘ื™ึฐืœึธื” ืžึœึตื—ึตึ—ืฅ ื™ึธึ˜ืขึฅื•ึผืฃ ื™ื•ึนืžึธึฝื:
6Pestilence that prowls in darkness, destruction that ravages at noon. ื•ืžึดื“ึผึถื‘ึถืจ ื‘ึผึธืึนึฃืคึถืœ ื™ึทึฝื”ึฒืœึนึ‘ืšึฐ ืžึœึดืงึผึถึ—ื˜ึถื‘ ื™ึธึ˜ืฉืึฅื•ึผื“ ืฆึธึฝื”ึณืจึธึฝื™ึดื:
7A thousand will be stationed at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not approach you. ื–ื™ึดืคึผึนึšืœ ืžึดืฆึผึดื“ึผึฐืšึธึจ | ืึถึ—ืœึถืฃ ื•ึผืจึฐื‘ึธื‘ึธึฅื” ืžึดึฝื™ืžึดื™ื ึถึ‘ืšึธ ืึœึตืœึถึ—ื™ืšึธ ืœึนึฃื ื™ึดื’ึผึธึฝืฉื:
8You will but gaze with your eyes, and you will see the annihilation of the wicked. ื—ืจึทืง ื‘ึผึฐืขึตื™ื ึถึฃื™ืšึธ ืชึทื‘ึผึดึ‘ื™ื˜ ื•ึฐืฉืึดืœึผึปืžึทึ–ืช ืจึฐืฉืึธืขึดึฃื™ื ืชึผึดืจึฐืึถึฝื”:
9For you [said], "The Lord is my refuge"; the Most High you made your dwelling. ื˜ื›ึผึดึฝื™ึพืึทืชึผึธึฃื” ื™ึฐื”ึนื•ึธึฃื” ืžึทื—ึฐืกึผึดึ‘ื™ ืขึœึถืœึฐื™ึ—ื•ึนืŸ ืฉื‚ึทึฃืžึฐืชึผึธ ืžึฐืขื•ึนื ึถึฝืšึธ:
10No harm will befall you, nor will a plague draw near to your tent. ื™ืœึนึฝืึพืชึฐืึปื ึผึถึฃื” ืึตืœึถึฃื™ืšึธ ืจึธืขึธึ‘ื” ื•ึœึฐื ึถึ—ื’ึทืข ืœึนึฝืึพื™ึดืงึฐืจึทึฅื‘ ื‘ึผึฐืึธึฝื”ึณืœึถึฝืšึธ:
11For He will command His angels on your behalf to guard you in all your ways. ื™ืื›ึผึดึฃื™ ืžึ–ึทืœึฐืึธื›ึธื™ื• ื™ึฐืฆึทื•ึผึถื”ึพืœึผึธึ‘ืšึฐ ืœึœึดืฉืึฐืžึธืจึฐืšึธึ— ื‘ึผึฐื›ึธืœึพื“ึผึฐืจึธื›ึถึฝื™ืšึธ:
12On [their] hands they will bear you, lest your foot stumble on a stone. ื™ื‘ืขึทืœึพื›ึผึทืคึผึทึฅื™ึดื ื™ึดืฉึผื‚ึธืึ‘ื•ึผื ึฐืšึธ ืคึผึถืŸึพืชึผึดื’ึผึนึ–ืฃ ื‘ึผึธืึถึฃื‘ึถืŸ ืจึทื’ึฐืœึถึฝืšึธ:
13On a young lion and a cobra you will tread; you will trample the young lion and the serpent. ื™ื’ืขึทืœึพืฉืึทึฃื—ึทืœ ื•ึธืคึถึฃืชึถืŸ ืชึผึดื“ึฐืจึนึ‘ืšึฐ ืชึผึดึœืจึฐืžึนึ—ืก ื›ึผึฐืคึดึฃื™ืจ ื•ึฐืชึทื ึผึดึฝื™ืŸ:
14For he yearns for Me, and I shall rescue him; I shall fortify him because he knows My name. ื™ื“ื›ึผึดึšื™ ื‘ึดึฃื™ ื—ึ–ึธืฉืึทืง ื•ึทึฝืึฒืคึทืœึผึฐื˜ึตึ‘ื”ื•ึผ ืึœึฒืฉื‚ึทื’ึผึฐื‘ึตึ—ื”ื•ึผ ื›ึผึดึฝื™ึพื™ึธึ˜ื“ึทึฅืข ืฉืึฐืžึดึฝื™:
15He will call Me and I shall answer him; I am with him in distress; I shall rescue him and I shall honor him.

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Shabbat Shalawam to the 12 Tribes of Yashar'al and Brews.
Rest well in YAH.

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Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha

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You better know what these artists little trips to all these other countries is really all about...
Meanwhile Beyonce is on her way to tour Europe for a $2 billion dollar cut of whatever money is getting laundered and gifted through her $2 BILLION DOLLAR SINGING PERFORMANCE ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝโ€๐ŸŽค