4 yrs - Translate

Wanna create a group of supporters to hold each

other accountable for complaining? I really need it.

I’ve found myself complaining lately to the Most

High about things that I think are “all important“ i.e.

things in this world that are happening, things in

my personal life because of things in the world etc.

I really have to realize and humbly admit that I don’t

KNOW and FEAR the Most High the way I need to.

I repent openly here and now (and earlier today) for

complaining about things. I think I’m just sharing

my heart, but I’m exposing my lack of trust, and

wanting Him to prove Himself to me.

I need to be worshiping Him.

I know He has promised to be my friend, but He is

the Almighty King and by complaining, I’m

exposing that I actually don’t trust Him. That’s what

kept the ancestors going around the mountain for

40 years. Lord help me, Your ways are higher than

my ways and Your thoughts are higher than my

thoughts. Please forgive me.

Family, I need that gentle reminder when I get

into my feelings about life and circumstances.

Psalm 25:14 NIV
“The LORD is a friend to those who fear him. He teaches them his covenant.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
