I want to reach out to the family as I am creating beyond levels I never knew I had... My ruach has been led to share a beat in which I'm looking for a rapper to grace the track.

Time Signature: 91bpm
Key Signature: Dminor
Rhythm: 4/4

It's an intense one so I've given it the title "HIDE" I was led to the following scripture when I was creating it:

They will hide in caves in the rocky hills or dig holes in the ground to try to escape from the Lord's anger and to hide from his power and glory!
11 A day is coming when human pride will be ended and human arrogance destroyed. Then the Adoni alone will be exalted.
12 On that day the Yahuah Almighty will humble everyone who is powerful, everyone who is proud and conceited.
13 He will destroy the tall cedars of Lebanon and all the oaks in the land of Bashan.
14 He will level the high mountains and hills,
15 every high tower, and the walls of every fortress.
16 He will sink even the largest and most beautiful ships.
17 Human pride will be ended, and human arrogance will be destroyed. Idols will completely disappear, and the Adoni alone will be exalted on that day.
19 People will hide in caves in the rocky hills or dig holes in the ground to try to escape from the Yahuah's anger and to hide from his power and glory when he comes to shake the earth.
20 When that day comes, they will throw away the gold and silver idols they have made, and abandon them to the moles and the bats.
21 When Yahuah comes to shake the earth, people will hide in holes and caves in the rocky hills to try to escape from his anger and to hide from his power and glory.
22 Put no more confidence in mortals. What are they worth?

I have some ideas, but pray for a collaboration.

If you are not feeling it, no hard feelings as I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but please give it some consideration.

Anay Ahab Athah