Grand Rising House of Yasharal. APTTMY

Deuteronomy 4:7
For what great nation is there which
has Elohim so near to it, as HWHY our
Elohim is to us, whenever we call on
8“And what great nation is there that
has such laws and righteous rightrulings
like all this Torah which I set
before you this day?
9“Only, guard yourself and guard
your life diligently, lest you forget the
Words your eyes have seen and lest
they turn aside from your heart all the
days of your life. And you shall make
them known to your children and your
10“The day when you stood before
HWHY your Elohim in Ḥorĕḇ, HWHY
said to me, ‘Assemble the people to Me
and I make them hear My Words, so
that they learn to fear Me all the days
they live on the earth and teach them to
their children.’