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Shalawam Yashar'al.
A call for Action!!!
Greetings African Israelite Brothers
and Sisters of the Diaspora
This is a Call to Action request to
our African Israelite brothers and
sisters for an injustice in progress
in South Africa. An Ashkenazi
Jewish organization called South
African Jewish Board of Deputies
(SAJBD) is attempting to make it
illegal to view Ron Dalton's film
"Hebrews to Negroes: Wakeup
Black America" in South Africa. If
the South African Jewish Board of
Deputies'malicious plans are
successful, it would make anyone
in South Africa viewing the film a
criminal, fined and potentially
imprisoned. That's correct family,
they want to make viewing Hebrews
to Negroes punishable by prison!
This is not a joke or an
exaggeration. Please keep in mind,
this Anti-African Israelite
censorship attempt wouldn't stop
with just censoring Hebrews to
Negroes. It would lay the malicious
precedent of censoring other
African Israelite films and videos on
YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and
other social media platforms in
South Africa. With this in mind, we
need your help. We're asking
everyone to write a complaint to the
African Film and Publication Board
who's currently reviewing SAJBD's
reclassification request (to make it
illegal to view the Hebrews to
Negroes in South Africa). This
would be the first time EVER in
South African historv that a filmwould be banned, This is extremely
unjust and unprecedented
considering the existence of
uncensored Ashkenazi Jewish
blackface films and the overtly
racist films such as Birth of a
Nation created by Ashkenazi Jews
(Billy Bitzer-film producer, Robert
Goldstein-wardrobe, and Louis B
Mayer-distributer). Apparently,
South African Jewish Board of
Deputies attempted to justify this
unprecedented act by parroting
debunked talking points used by
the Anti-Defamation League. This
injustice must not stand! No more
bullying, no more harassment, or
threats of unjust imprisonment
based on lies. Let the African Film
and Publication Board know this
ridiculous request submitted by the
South African Jewish Board of
Deputies needs to be outrightrejected! Please voice your
complaint to
send an email to
clientsupport@fpb.org.za Rise up
Lions of Judah! Thank you in
advance for your support. Shalom. 
