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Daniel 12:1
AND at that time shall Miyka'el stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the cepher.

Words of Gad The Seer
Chapter 2:26
Michael Stands Up
26At the end of days Michael the great prince will stand up in war like a whirlwind against Samael the prince of this world to put him under his feet, in the wind of YAH, and it shall be eaten up; for Yahuah has spoken it.

Words of Gad The Seer
Chapter 2:23-25
Judgment of Rome
23Your corpses will fall among My people. O zealous Yahuah, come out; come out of your place and smite Edom; consume them. 25Come to Zerephath, come to
Sepharad, come to Ashkenaz, come to Garmania; they shall come and fall in the lowest pit, in destruction, and in the shadow of death, for your mouth will fail you, and no
one will help you.

Words of Gad The Seer
Chapter 2:27-29
Millennial Kingdom
27At the end of days the robbed will overcome the robber, and the weak, the strong, truly and in righteousness. 28Your Elohiym is your Savior, O Israel; with Him you will be saved, for He is a merciful Elohiym. He will not abandon you, 29for you shall keep on doing all that I commanded you in the Law of Moses My servant.’