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Shalawam family
It's another Wellness Wednesday. It's brrr in the NE; though they forecasted a cold winter, I did not hear about an early cold winter. This leads to keeping warm in the event of anything. I saw the MarYah Trumpet Call video on "How to Survive the Coming Darkness." Regardless of your respective, let's just consider the material linen (100%) and wool she recommended as the fabric of choice. During the winter, clearly wool is the better choice.

My skin is very sensitive to harsh wool. If that is you, consider Merino wool. Merino wool comes from Merino sheep. While other wool is itchy, Merino wool is softer. You will need to pay attention to the type of wool and whether it's blended. One company I saw on TV is Smartwool. Check out. This is a season where needed items are discounted. I pray this helps!! Shout out to sis MarYah

#wellnesswednesday #merinowool #wool #daysofdarkness #longcoldwinter #warm #getyourhouseinorder #maryahtrumpetcall

Sis CeeCee